Thinking of Switching to Concrete Floors?

Is it possible to remove worn carpeting, ceramic tile or sheet vinyl from an existing concrete subfloor and then stain or polish it? You bet. And in some cases, it’s even possible to go right over the existing floor covering with a decorative concrete overlay or microtopping. Many cement-based overlays can be placed over vinyl flooring, tile or wood if the surface is prepared properly.
If you decide to make the switch to decorative concrete floors, be advised that the job can be a big undertaking. Some of the challenges include ripping up and disposing of the old flooring and removing any adhesives used to glue it down. But not with KRSI's latest and most advanced equipment .
KRSI will remove all floor leveling compounds and other difficult bonding materials with Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) water blasting, shot blasting or ride-on scraping.