VCT Removal Services
VCT glue down tile (Vinyl Composite Tile) removal is scraped up with our 3000 Lb Ride on Flooring Removal Equipment; it makes the VCT...

Waterblasting vs Sandblasting: Which do you pick?
One of the most important factors affecting the quality, performance, and service life of a paint job is the surface preparation. To...

Shot Blasting is an Effective Surface Preparation Method!
Shot blasting has emerged as one of the most effective, as well as possibly the cheapest technique for surface preparation prior to...

What Equipment Can You Rent From KR Surface?
Did you know that in addition to contracting services, KRSI offers equipment rentals? Much of our state-of-the-art equipment is available...
Surface Prep Tips During COVID-19
Normally, we at KR Surface like to feature our many services or give you advice on various issues surrounding surface preparation. Given...
Our Response to Coronavirus (COVID-19) and Safety Procedures
As we continue to monitor the Coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, we want our customers to know that we are taking this very seriously and...

Surface Removal Services
KRSI will remove all floor leveling compounds and other difficult bonding materials with Ultra-High Pressure (UHP) water blasting, shot...

The Benefits of Choosing KR Surface Industries
As a licensed and insured contractor, KRSI will act as your prime or sub-contractor. The services we provide include Ultra-High Pressure...

Why is Surface Preparation so Important?
Surface preparation is one of the most important phases of installing a top-quality flooring system. At first, surface prep may not seem...

Surface Profile Inspection Guide
A surface profile of concrete or asphalt is a number associated with the material’s desired roughness or texture and its general...